In the era of globalization, technological developments continue to develop rapidly from day to day. Its scope is very broad and spreads to all aspects of life, especially electronic media. This causes the business world to also undergo changes. Technological innovation requires entrepreneurs and companies to be able to create new service products, develop new business models that ultimately lead to daily ways of doing business. 

Rapid technological advances are also expected to support government programs, namely Go Green. What does eco friendly mean? Eco friendly means changing your lifestyle to be greener or environmentally friendly. You are required to become more aware of the environment around you by changing your lifestyle. Thus we can reduce the level of pollution and waste that we throw away and can reduce the use of paper so as to minimize tree cutting for paper raw materials.

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In doing business, we use a lot of paper for everyday company needs. Starting from ordering goods to invoice billing. In this modern era, several companies have changed the system from using paper to E-invoicing.

What is E-invoice? E-invoice is an electronic billing method used by businesses for customers or suppliers. What are the benefits of using e-invoicing?

Delivered Faster

E-invoices guarantee a faster time to make payments. Customers will also receive their invoices much more quickly by email, compared to manual delivery by courier. E-Invoicing can automate calculations and prevent calculation errors. And the counting process can also be done easily. If something goes wrong, you can fix it quickly and easily.

Environmentally Friendly

According to a 2016 US study, 5,589 research organizations could save nearly 1 billion dollars if they reduced paper use by only 1%.

Thus E-invoicing can also save a number of things needed to produce paper as well as save energy and reduce pollution. With this we can reduce solid waste by no longer wasting paper invoices and can help companies to cut operational costs.

Read more: How to get your invoices paid before due date

It’s safe since saved in cloud storage

E-invoicing is a cloud-based billing system so that business people don’t have to worry about losing your client’s billing data. With this system, technical problems such as computer errors are no longer a problem. Because, all data is stored safely. Not to mention, E-Invoicing software is safe because usually software companies must comply with PCI security standards or PCI Security Standards.

From the survey data, 37% of paper waste comes from company waste. It is time for companies to improve themselves by changing paper invoices to e-invoices so that in the future, pollution and waste will be much reduced. Using e-invoicing is tantamount to protecting our planet.

Daniel Nugraha
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